Thursday, 3 February 2011

“Harry Potter” franchise receiving special BAFTA award

“Harry Potter” franchise receiving special BAFTA award


I’ve gone on record to claim that the “Harry Potter” franchise will go down in history as the greatest cinematic accomplishment of my generation. Eight pictures from multiple directors utilizing the same brilliantly selected cast to create a massive visual recreation of J.K. Rowling’s deep, rich, challenging and rewarding vision. It’s incomparable. What’s better? Three “Lord of the Rings” films? Two “Star Wars” films? (Because the rest were crap). Nope. “Potter” has set a new precedent, and now another distinguished body is weighing in with higher praise.

The BAFTA awards, Britain’s equivalent of the Oscars, are going to honor the “Harry Potter” franchise with an award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema, according to Reuters. The trophy will be presented at the BAFTA’s Feb. 13 ceremony in London. Rowling and series producer David Heyman will accept the award on behalf of the films.

“The Harry Potter films have not only created stars in front of the camera, but have also highlighted the expertise within the British craft and technical industries, supporting a vast array of jobs throughout production,” BAFTA officials said in a statement.

“On behalf of the over 2,000 people who worked in front of and behind the camera on each of the Harry Potter films I would like to say how honored we all are to receive this Award,” Heyman said. “And thank you to Jo Rowling for entrusting us to bring her magnificent books to the screen.”

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